(ed. Aserinsky E, Kleitman N. Regularly occurring periods of eye motility and concomitant phenomena during sleep. In cats, Thomas & Benoit (18) have found oniric activity during synchronized sleep, similar to what we described in rats as pre-paradoxical sleep (19,20) as intermediate phase. In rats only the frontal cortex presents desynchronization whereas in all the remaining cortex, and in many subcortical sites, the electro-oscillograms oscillate as theta waves. Some authors have not been able to find changes in heart rate and respiration during desynchronized sleep (61) but there are striking demonstrations that blood pressure is reduced (figure 6), attaining values as low as 60 mmHg of systolic pressure; heart rate is also reduced and ventilation decreases (38,62). & Bertini, M. 9. In cats and monkeys eye movements are accompanied by monophasic spiky potentials in the occipital cortex, in the lateral geniculate body and in the pontine tegmentum (66-69). Gassel MM, Marchiafava PL, Pompeiano O. Braun et al. Karger, Basel, 1997:65-76. 70. 115. Head jerky movements may reflect vestibular dreams. Human cerebral potentials associated with rapid eye movements during REM sleep. yet, it is well known since Kohlschtter and Michelson (4,8) that the threshold to awaken a human being during desynchronized sleep is much lower than the one to produce wakefulness during synchronized sleep. 3. The motoneuron inhibition, responsible for the sleep atonia and abolition of movements, is not complete in infancy (figure 5). 3. Phenomenal dream content, however, is not as disorganized as such views imply. Around 1860, Kohlschtter, a young medical student in Germany, showed that the threshold to awake humans by auditory stimulation oscillates along the night (4,8). John Wiley and Sons, New york 1982. On the functional role of consciousness. REM sleep and dreaming: towards a theory of protoconsciousness. Although related to the information fluxogram displayed in figure 2 of the present review, Hernandez-Pon's process involves the function of participating in "adaptive waking behavior", which does not seem to have a real meaning (136). Jouvet M. Programmation gntique itrative et sommeil paradoxal. Curr Opin Neurobiol 1992;2:759-63. The subjects of dreams are broad-ranging and complex, incorporating self-image, fears, insecurities, strengths, grandiose ideas, sexual orientation, desire, jealousy and love". In: C. Guilleminaut, W. C. Dement and P. Passouant (eds.) However, they ignored that the dreams were produced by the brain. 20. Differentiating Oneiric Stupor in Agrypnia Excitata From Dreaming Disorders. As such, this explanation may be interpreted as a way of doing something that we should never be allowed to do without paying for it. While the how and why of dreaming may be explored using physiological and biological methods, dreaming is also a subjective experience involving a form of mentation that can offer representations of an individual's internal world. 111. The latter are absolutely necessary for any neural activity to occur, inasmuch as the oxygen required by the nervous system amounts to 20% of the total oxygen consumption (near ten times as much as the average of the body as a whole). Buchsbaum MS, Gillin JC, Wu J, Hazlett E, Sicotte N, Dupont RM, Bunney WE. Those that are common to all behaviors (increase in heart rate, blood pressure, blood flow to the nervous system and muscles, ventilation, pupil diameter and palmar and plantar electrical conductance) and are intended to increase the supply of blood, oxygen, glucose etc. Carcione A, Santonastaso M, Sferruzza F, Riccardi I. Res Psychother. Oka T, Iwakiri H, Mori S. Pontine-induced generalized suppression of postural muscle tone in a reflexively standing acute decerebrate cat. (1999) (126,127,129,130). In fact, we ignore almost completely why we dream. Electrical stimulation of the nucleus reticularis pontis oralis evokes bilateral muscle atonia in decerebrate cats (52). Stimulus response theory of dream: The stimulus response theory which existed prior to Freud is based upon the associationistic stimulus response view. This theory stresses the relationship between brain changes during sleep and changes in perceptual efficiency. Some disturbing stimuli force activity into one portion of the cerebral cortex. Studi Psicologici e Clinici di un Alienista. Such hypothesis is grounded on the following steps. Weed & Halam listed in 1896 (4,7) the proportion of several kinds of dreams as related to their sensory content. Hodes R, Dement WC. Despite such discrepancies, however, during synchronized sleep PRT studies reveal a decrease in global cerebral energy metabolism relative to both waking and desynchronized sleep. In humans, equivalent potentials can be recorded from the occipital cortex. We found that, in the average, during attentive wakefulness heart rate is nearly 320 bpm; in synchronized sleep it decreases to 244 bpm and during phasic movements that unveil oniric activity it increases again. The result of such conscious identification is a dream. 49. In 1999, Ribeiro et al., assaying zif-268 expression in control rats and in rats subjected to a rich environment training, found that in control animals this gene protein generally decreased, mainly in the cerebral cortex, from wakefulness to synchronized sleep and from synchronized to desynchronized sleep (109). Cesar Timo-Iaria (in memorian); Angela Cristina do Valle. Doricchi F, Violani C. Dream recall in brain-damaged patients: a contribution to the neuropsychology of dreaming through a review of the literature. One is that dreams are generated by the activation of neural activity in the brainstem and its signal transmission to the cortex. 108. 113. Those that are specific to certain behaviors. As a prevailing concept even today, dreams were considered premonitory, messages from the dead and mystical warnings. Nikolaev E, Kaminska B, Tischmeyer W, Matthies E, Kaczmarek L. Induction of expression of genes encoding transcription factors in the rat brain elicited by behavioral training. Shiromani PJ, Malik M, Winston S, McCarley RW. 37. Recall of dreams is much greater and the report is much more detailed when one is awakened during desynchronized sleep and the stage I of synchronized sleep, right after alpha waves disappear and are replaced by a lower frequency and lower voltage electro-oscillographic pattern (22,23). Assoc Psychophysiol Stud Sleep. Neurosci Res 1993;17:127-140. By lesioning the alphacoeruleus nuclei such an inhibitory effect is prevented and during oniric activity the movements generated by the dream itself can be expressed, as was clearly demonstrated in Jouvet's Laboratory (50,51) in cats; the animal suddenly gets up, walks, miews and strikes with the paws, as if the animal were awake. Temporal patterns of discharges of pyramidal tract neurons during sleep and waking in the monkey. Dement WC. The tonic inhibition of motoneurons by circuits in the alphacoeruleus nucleus during desynchronized sleep is mediated by hyperpolarization of their membrane (41-43). In: Pompeiano, O. Considering that desynchronization is predominant all over the cortex in humans and in the frontal cortex of both cats and rats, we consider it to be a phylogenetically more recent functional acquisition. As will be shown below, in rats, that are macrosmatic animals, rostrum (snout) movements predominate during desynchronized sleep over eye movements (31,32). Such periods were overlooked in the classic studies of Loomis and co-workets (13), in which they identified the phases of synchronized (another term coined by Adrian but now to label slow waves, i.e., potentials with a low frequency and a high voltage) sleep. A comparison of presleep and REM sleep thematic content. Candia et al. Sleeping and Waking. During the medieval era in Spain, by then the very cultural center of Europe (probably of the entire world), and mainly in the 13th century, some Muslim Arabs and Jewish rabis, centered in Cordoba rediscovered the Greek literature, that had been concealed by early Christianism, and translated all that important work into Latin, Arabic and Hebraic. It has, however, been utilized with a great success in sleep studies. Such high values of r may mean that theta waves arrive in such areas almost synchronously, coming from some other sites in the central nervous system. 79. 127. Psychoanalysis also considers dreams as the expression of repressed wishes; this is undoubtly true as to only a few dreams, whereas several studies reveal, instead, that most dreams are closely related to the events of the previous day, as Aristotle had already demonstrated. Electrophysiological manifestations of wakefulness and desynchronized sleep in the rat. Such important discoveries were buried by the impact of psychoanalysis, which was created soon after Calkins' work was published. A correlation has been proposed between the development of desynchronized sleep in children and their waking cognitive maturation (24). J Abnorm Psychol 1982;91:433-6. Some presently available explanations seem science fiction, rather than true science. In cats, Guazzi, Baccelli & Zanchetti (1966) demonstrated that due to such a cardiovascular hypoactivity the sensory afferents from glomus carotideus and glomus aorticus, that carry information from chemoreceptors sensitive to a decrease in oxygen blood concentration, attain an overwhelming relevance, inasmuch as following the transection of such afferents blood pressure goes continuously down during desynchronized sleep, leading to death (63). In humans the electro-oscillograms during desynchronized sleep are expressed as overall cortical desynchronization, whence the adequacy of the name created by Moruzzi, desynchronized sleep. Timo-Iaria C, Negro N, Schmidek WR, Rocha TL, Hoshino K. Phases and states of sleep in the rat. The caudalmost portion of this system (then labeled descending hypnogenic cholinergic) comprises the ventral and dorsal Gudden's nuclei, whose stimulation with carbachol triggered sleep in nearly 20 seconds. Kluger J. Maquet P, Pters J, Aerts J, Delfiore G, Degueldre C, Luxen A, Franck G. Nature. Braz J Med Biol Res 1996;29:1645-50. 24. Another change of the electro-oscillograms we disclosed in rats by carefully analyzing their time-course while a dream is on (as well as during attentive wakefulness) is the presence of short periods of desynchronization that interrupt or superimpose on theta waves. Role of pontine tegmentum for locomotor control in mesencephalic cat. 129. The Jungian approach believed they are meaningful and contain; information-processing. Respiratory frequency decreases during the entire sleep cycle but is phasically activated during dreaming because it is a vegetative function that has to be increased in any behavior, including the oniric ones. eCollection 2021 Aug 12. 97. Eye movements in humans predominate because vision is our main sensory channel and our visual memory is overwhelmingly predominant, resulting in preponderance of visual dreams. WebDream theories developed by Freud suggest that dreams are psychological, revealing hidden urges, for example. Winson (1990) believes that dreams "reflect an individual strategy for survival. Wiley-Interscience, New york 1990:535-583. Desynchronized sleep in early life may be an indicator for the degree of brain maturation and promoter of further brain maturation. 89. 42. However, reflex penile erection is facilitated after spinal transection whereas mesencephalic transections significantly increase the latency to its reflex induction, without affecting the percentage of tests eliciting an erectile event. Jouvet believes that dreaming activity plays a key role during the earliest years of life and thus may be involved in continuously programming some of the most subtle reactions of our consciousness during wakefulness. WebOne hypothesis drawn from TST is that real threatening events encountered by the individual during wakefulness should lead to an increased activation of the system, a threat simulation response, and therefore, to an increased frequency and severity of threatening events in dreams. 1996 Sep 12;383(6596):163-6. doi: 10.1038/383163a0. The gamma-alpha loop has been shown to play no role in producing the movements that characterize dreaming. In: Baust, W. This author reported that dream production in human subjects from 3 to 5 years of age was minimal and that the content of the dream reports generally consisted of "static imagery" in the absence of narrative context. Consequently, Foulkes concludes that they do not dream but this conclusion is probably incorrect, inasmuch as at this age children have a highly limited narrating capacity and their poor reports about dreams are certainly linked to such a limitation, not their absence. Recently a more acceptable evidence in favor of the consolidation hypothesis arises from the study of a gene involved in neuronal activation This gene protein, zif-268 (98), binds to a specific DNA molecule present in the promoters of a variety of genes expressed in the nervous system (99) and its up-regulation is thought to initiate a program of gene regulation leading to neuronal plasticity (100). Movements of the eyes when the lids are closed. 88. The physiological-functioning theory suggests that dreaming works the same way. Experimental methodologies permitted investigation of the responsiveness of dreams to external stimulation and the effects of deprivation of REM sleep. Now, the recent advent of deep neural networks (DNNs) has finally provided the novel conceptual framework within which to understand Functional neuroanatomy of human rapid-eye-movement sleep and dreaming. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. Exptl Neurol 1963;8:93-111. Fenn WO, Hursh JB. Berlucchi G. Mechanismen von Schlafen und Wachen. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Such movements may take the sleeper to fall off the bed. 4 According to Freud, News Physiol Sci 1998;13:91-7. Some peculiarities of the dreams of patients with vestibular diseases. Fortunately, this author did not suggest that dreaming, with all its movements, is intended to produce heat from the fake muscular contractions that occur as an expression of dreams. 64. Interestingly, bilateral ablation of the frontal lobes in cats leads to deep changes of the PGO potentials in the VI cranial nerves and in the mobilization of the lateral rectus muscles during desynchronized sleep (71). Therefore, the wider is the eye rotation, the higher is the recorded potential, which occurs when the eyes are scanning the environment. There are other definitions of the word dream, too. As pointed Lovblad KO, Thomas R, Jakod PM, Scammel T, Bassetti C, Griswold M, et al. Timo-Iaria C, Valle AC. Epub 2009 Oct 1. Gottesmann C. Theta rhythm: the brain stem involvement. Foulkes D. Children's dreams. WebAbstract. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1997;102:125-31. Maquet et al. Kohyama J, Shimomira M, Iwakawa y. Brainstem control of phasic mucsle activity during REM sleep: a review and hypothesis. Psychosomat Med 1975;37:147-59. Mori D, Shik ML, yagodnitsyn AS. PMC In both instances sleep evolved according to the phases of synchronized and then of desynchronized sleep, during which eye movements always occurred. Of presleep and REM sleep: a review and hypothesis in infancy figure! For locomotor control in mesencephalic cat, Sferruzza F, Violani C. recall. Development of desynchronized sleep in the brainstem and its signal transmission to the cortex dreams are psychological, hidden! Movements during REM sleep: a review of the cerebral cortex of their membrane 41-43. Ms, Gillin JC, Wu J, Aerts J, physiological function dream theory J, Hazlett E, Sicotte N Schmidek... 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